A picture found here, photographed by Paul Schuster of LIFE Magazine in 1948, from, we would surmise, from the roof of the David Bros. building at the corner today of Jabotinsky and Keren Hayesod Streets:
The Begin Center has been built just to the right outside the frame of this picture.
Near The Begin Center View - in 1948
A picture found here, photographed by Paul Schuster of LIFE Magazine in 1948, from, we would surmise, from the roof of the David Bros. building at the corner today of Jabotinsky and Keren Hayesod Streets:
The Begin Center has been built just to the right outside the frame of this picture.
American born, my wife and I moved to Israel in 1970. We have lived at Shiloh together with our family since 1981. I was in the Betar youth movement in the US and UK. I have worked as a political aide to Members of Knesset and a Minister during 1981-1994, lectured at the Academy for National Studies 1977-1994, was director of Israel's Media Watch 1995-2000 and currently, I work at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem. I was a guest media columnist on media affairs for The Jerusalem Post, op-ed contributor to various journals and for six years had a weekly media show on Arutz 7 radio. I serve as an unofficial spokesperson for the Jewish Communities in Judea & Samaria.